The Polish Ministry of Health is preparing a ban on e-cigarettes which is to come into effect in 2016 (Image Fotolia)

The Polish Ministry of Health is preparing a ban on e-cigarettes which is to come into effect in 2016, tells The Łódź Post, on Monday December 28, 2015. The new bill aims at aligning Polish legislation with the EU requirements of the TPD.

The sale of e-cigarettes to minor will be banned in the shops and on the internet as well as their use in public spaces where smoking is also prohibited. The vendors will also have to introduce signs warning against the consequences of e-cigarettes smoking, similar to those informing about the dangers of smoking

Dr. Dariusz Nejc at the Copernicus hospital in Łódź comments the new provisions and recognizes a risk reduction compared to smoked tobacco but she notices the absence of reliable studies on long-term effects of vaping.

The Ministry of Health wants to implement the changes latest by 20th of May 2016, hopefully before this date.

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