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Petition to the German Parliament: 50,656 signatures

The petition defended by German vapers against Art 20TPD and highlighted by the British website Vapers.org.uk has reached the quorum with more than 50,000 signatures to be publicly defended in an open...

Belgium: Will nicotine e-liquids be legalized?

The Belgians currently get supplied nicotine e-liquids from abroad The legislation concerning the electronic cigarette is not really clear in Belgium. The owner of several stores, Didier...

Uncertainty and misunderstanding around e-cigarettes for British quitters

E-cigarettes are increasingly popular among smokers as a quitting tool Since a growing number of scientific results suggest that e-cigarettes may help smokers quit smoking,...

TPD : The British government publishes the results of its consultations

Following its public consultation on the draft implementation of the revised Tobacco Products Directive, the British government announced the publication of a document (PDF). Different...

E-cigarette and body weight: Smoking cessation Italian survey

A scientific report by Italian researchers from the University of Catania, Italy, was published in the prestigious journal Nature on January 5. This is...

Leak-free refill mechanisms: Overview of ongoing work at the European Commission

Two solution are being studies by the EU Commission The EU TPD has imposed the presence of a leak-free filling system for e-cigarette tanks. "Given...

Belgium: A three fold increase in e-cigarette use over 2...

The Belgian Foundation against Cancer has published its barometer of tobacco use, which shows that fewer Belgians are regular smokers, 1 of 5 in 2015 rather than...

Norwegian Medical Association proposes to phase out smoking by 2035

Anyone born after 2000 shall not be able to purchase any tobacco product, including vaping products with the forecasted implementation of the TPD. This is what...