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To the shock (but not surprise) of experts in the field of tobacco harm reduction, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recently posted a tweet claiming that vaping increases the risk of seizures without citing evidence. Viewed over 300,000...
The government's plans to go ahead with the ban when its outcome is uncertain, are naturally being considered concerning and unacceptable. Local authorities should know to conduct robust risk assessments before setting any measures in place.The Government's consideration of...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have asked for increased funding for the fiscal year 2025, to address tobacco use, especially among youth. The CDC is asking for $265 million...
A UK study said that if half of all smokers had to switch to vaping, there would be a 13% reduction in hospital admissions, potentially leading to annual savings of over £500 million for the NHS.The US study, “Healthcare...
In Canada, the handling of nicotine pouches has turned into a debacle, highlighting systemic failures across various stakeholders. Previously, Health Canada displayed a negative stance towards nicotine pouches, considering them as threats and advising against their use. However, after extensive...
In February 2023, SB 135 in Kansas proposed legal access to medical cannabis for people with certain conditions. The measure would have regulated the cultivation, processing, distribution, sale and use of cannabis for medical purposes. "Patients have been...