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The CDC Finally Confirms That EVALI is Caused by Illegal THC...

In a post on his blog page, Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences at Boston University’s  School of Public Health, Dr. Michael...

A chemist’s advice: Don’t Dry-Burn your coil

A dry burn takes place when a lot of power is applied to a bare coil in order to heat it and "clean it...

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Science News Not To Be Missed

The UK’s U-Turn From THR Leader to Imposer of Irrational Vape Restrictions

Nicotine-free e-liquids would carry an additional £1 charge per 10 millilitres, while higher-nicotine variants will incur an extra £3 per 10 ml.UK Chancellor Jeremy...
kids at school

Extreme Texas Law Sends Teens to Discipline Schools For Vaping

Dallas ISD and Fort Worth ISD sent 238 and 219 students to discipline schools for vaping respectively, including elementary school students. Gone into effect...
دراسات مزورة

The WHO Carelessly Links Vaping to Seizures, Indicating Bias Against Vapes

To the shock (but not surprise) of experts in the field of tobacco harm reduction, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recently posted a...