Whether we are hearing news of vaping possibly being “banned in public” by cities like Austin, TX or learning that another one of the most liberal cities in the U.S., San Francisco has “banned flavors”. This is worrisome, these are places in America known for their history of being leaders and proponents of civil liberties and progress.
Unfortunately, these cities are clearly lost in a cloud of confusion.

However, rest assured, the vaping community can still feel some sense of relief as there are a number of advocates winning battles on the other side of the country, far from Texas or California, specifically in Ohio where they are refusing to be forced into unmanageable situation.

Nearly Six Months Battling Over a 69% Tax Proposal

Here at the Vaping Post we have published countless articles on the Ohio Vapor Trade Association (OHVTA) and their battle against Governor John Kasich’s budget proposal which included a 69% wholesale tax increase imposed on vapor products.

The Vapor Technology Association (VTA) has also praised the OHVTA for their relentless pursuit of advocating for their right to own and operate businesses within the state of Ohio without having to deal with such an excessive, unreasonable and abnormally high taxation.

The VTA says, “Governor John Kasich (R-Ohio) proposed a 69% wholesale tax on vapor products this session as part of a broader package to address state revenue needs. The Ohio Vapor Trade Association took it head on and spent over five months meeting with legislators to provide information on the impact of tax policies implemented in other states, the latest research on vapor products, as well as providing testimony to House and Senate Finance committees on the specific impacts a vapor tax would have on Ohio vapor businesses and consumers.”

OHVTA President Gives Credit to All Supporters

OHVTA President James Jarvis has been instrumental to providing accurate, unbiased information during these last 6 months. As a trustworthy and unbiased information provider all throughout the ½ year struggle, Mr. Jarvisthe OHVTA and other supporters as well as all those who have invested in the vape industry the state of Ohio can feel

James Jarvis, as mentioned is indeed a humble man. Although he was solely responsible for getting the facts communicated to the Vaping Post, Mr. Jarvis says he could never take the credit for winning this battle. All the support, loyalty and commitment of his fellow colleagues as well as participation of other constituents is who Jarvis gives all the credit to.

James points out the efforts of OHVTA Vice President Frank Cahall. James says that Frank was captivating in the telling of his moving, honest, real-life testimony about his own personal journey transforming him from lifelong smoker to a non-smoker and a key factor battling the opposition as a full-time vaper. Frank has been there with me to almost every meeting and has testified against all 3 bills

Setting an Example w/a Perfect Example: Living Proof

Frank Cahall been in the OHVTA as Vice President since its beginning. He has fought against all 3 tax proposals and has given his own real-life testimonial about his journey of becoming a vaper, battling through diabetes and COPD. In addition, Frank has now been cleared by his Pulmonologist and is also no longer diabetic.

Mr. James Jarvis tells Vaping Post, “Frank’s story is what this industry is all about and he tells it from the heart. He has been committed to living the fight everyday as he is the success story we all want to be. Through his efforts and inspiration to the community we will all have that chance.”

OHVTA President Thanks Colleagues & Constituents

President of the OHVTA James says, the credit for this victory is owed to the OHVTA board and their passionate ambitions, relentless determination and unyielding hope. Jarvis declares, “They deserve to be recognized.”

Frank Cahall – Vice President
Chris Voudris – Treasurer
Sarah Rutland- Hall – Secretary
Jeff Kathman – Director at Large
Brent Gleam – Director at Large
Bryan Keller – Director at Large

Overall, OHVTA President James Jarvis explained how every member of the board has worked tirelessly. Calling on new and old members for support, their efficiency of communication between members has been above and beyond impressive.

Jarvis says, “All of them attended meetings with reps, they attended sessions that allowed testimony to be heard as well as providing their own personal testimonies, they were actively involved every step of the way. This group is special, a family and they are the ones that lead the way They fight, motivate, inspire and care for the vape community, for OHVTA members as well as each other. Altogether, I am just lucky and fortunate to get to work alongside them.”

Many Lessons We Could All Learn From

It might be safe to say, most everyone would love to hear their fellow teammate, co-worker or supervisor say these same words when speaking about them. It should be well-known that this is also a great representation of human behavior. This situation brought out the best in this group. So, we should learn from this particular series of events in Ohio, that positive encouragement motivates people far more than negative criticism.

These are certainly words of great admiration for the determined team that James Jarvis is a part of. As President, he doesn’t claim to be the one and only primary role, sole reason or central figure responsible for defeating the 69% wholesale tax proposal on vapor products in Ohio.

James makes it quite clear, that although he is the President of OHVTA, what matters most is those who surround him. Thus, it is accurate to suggest that the best leaders are not those who manipulate those they are surrounded by. However the best leaders are those who follow the others who they are surrounded by, for the main reason that the best leaders create other leaders.

Significance of Giving ThankS

All in all, the 69% wholesale tax proposal on Vapor battle has been defeated by the entire OHVTA. The entire OHVTA board and even the OHVTA members. Not to mention, with the professional assistance from Tony Abboud and the VTA, CASAA and Charlotte Hickcox, of ZHF Consulting, teamwork and perseverance surely paid off.

An approval of the Governor’s proposed 69% tax on vapor products would have eliminated over 800 shops and extinguished thousands of jobs. The only question is now what could possibly be the next battle? Yet, now is a time for celebration

Mr Jarvis also stresses the importance of including the impactful efforts of all supporters from outside of the OHVTA, explaining, “We need to reach out to our Ohio House and Senate members to thank them for what they have done for our industry and community.”

It is very reassuring to know there are guys like James Jarvis out amongst the advocacy ranks at the state level, simultaneously becoming instrumental in his work on the federal spectrum as well. This is a leader who is thankful and humble.He genuinely believes in sharing his feelings about just how grateful he truly is from receiving so much support – he truly committed emotionally, mentally and professionally.



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