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The CDC Finally Confirms That EVALI is Caused by Illegal THC...

In a post on his blog page, Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences at Boston University’s  School of Public Health, Dr. Michael...

A chemist’s advice: Don’t Dry-Burn your coil

A dry burn takes place when a lot of power is applied to a bare coil in order to heat it and "clean it...

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The Financial Benefits of Switching From Smoking to Safer Nicotine Alternatives

A study by the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC, published in "Nicotine and Tobacco Research," examined how flavour restrictions on nicotine and tobacco...
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Studies Consistently Find Nicotine Vapes and Varenicline, the Most Effective Smoking Cessation Aids

After 26 weeks, 40.4% of the participants using nicotine-containing ECs achieved seven-day smoking abstinence, n comparison to 43.8% in the varenicline group and 19.7%...
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Vapes Are The Preferred Smoking Cessation Aids Among People With Mental Health Conditions

People with mental health issues are more prone to nicotine addiction, and tend to smoke more heavily than the general population.Smoking cessation is particularly...