Home Authors Posts by Diane Caruana

Diane Caruana

In-house journalist covering international vaping news.

Washington State House Passes Bill to Raise Tobacco Age to 21

The chamber passed the tobacco 21 measure on a 66-30 vote, and it will now be passed onto the Senate for consideration. If signed...

Luxembourg: Why are Cigarette Sales Still Increasing?

According to the latest Eurobarometer survey, in Luxembourg, a country which is part of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO...

Utah Proposes an 86.5% Tax on Vaping Products

Research keeps indicating that vaping products are significantly safer than cigarettes, and are also the most effective smoking cessation tools to date. To this...

Hong Kong’s E-Cig Ban Will Benefit Only Tobacco Companies

Last October, a Hong Kong Official had announced a complete ban on e-cigarettes and other innovative tobacco products, in an unexpected U-turn by the...

Did Vaping Halt the Drop in US Smoking Rates?

The progress in smoking cessation can be considered reversed, only if you count vaping as tobacco use, and ignore the big difference in health...

Following Brexit the UK Will Still Not Allow CBD Foods and...

In February 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO), had finally released a report confirming that Cannabidiol (CBD) is safe for human and animal consumption,...

The UAE to Finally Allow The Sale of Vaping Products

Up until now, the UAE had maintained a forbidding stance towards e-cigarettes, and despite all the research indicating that the devices are effective smoking...

Arizona Researchers Ignore Science and Warn Against E-Cig Vapor

A peer-reviewed study released last Summer, had compared e-liquid vapour to cigarette smoke, indicating that exhaled e-liquid vapour product particles are actually liquid droplets...