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Tag: Australia

The Tragic Regress of Australia’s Tobacco Control Strategy

Australia was once considered a world leader in tobacco control, successfully decreasing the local smoking rate from 28% in 1989–90, to 11% in 2020–21....

Australia’s Much Dreaded Prescription Model For Vape Sales Has Gone Into...

Australia has implemented new regulations as part of the Vaping Reforms Act, aiming to curb youth vaping by restricting e-cigarette sales to pharmacies. Initially,...

Australia’s Parliamentary Debate on the Vaping Reform Bill Was Predictably Rife...

The fact that vaping carries relatively minor health risks compared to other risk behaviours adopted by teens, such as smoking and binge drinking, was...

Are Australia’s Teen Vaping Rates as Alarming as Depicted in the...

Youth smoking rates have decreased 53% from 1.9% to 0.9% in 2023, and the daily youth smoking rate fell over 50% faster since vaping...

The Dire Consequences of Australia’s Vape Prohibition

Australia's strict anti-vaping stance has inadvertently fueled a flourishing illicit market for vaping products, mirroring the failures of 20th-century drug prohibition.In line with warnings...

Australian Experts Send Comprehensive Review on Vaping to Local Authorities

An overwhelming 88% of participants in a local survey supported the sale of regulated nicotine vaping products through licensed retail outlets, akin to the...

New Campaign by THR Expert Exposes Australian Anti-Vape Propoganda

Launched earlier this week, ‘Dr Col’s Vape Truths’, is an evidenced-based video campaign on nicotine vaping, designed to combat the ongoing rampant misinformation currently...

Australia Fines Vaping Advertisers and Importers

Public health regulators in Australia have fined vape advertisers and importers. CANBERRA — The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), Australia’s equivalent to the US Food and...