E- liquids and materials scrutinized
Article 20 of the Directive requires tobacco manufacturers and importers of electronic cigarettes and e-liquids to notify the authorities six months before marketing each of their product. We know a little more on the required data with the recent publication of the electronic notification forms to the Official Journal of the European Union (pdf).
The Commission will obviously keep an eye on very specific products sold in Europe, as evidenced by the requested detailed information as well as mandatory updates when products are modified or withdrawn from the market.
For their part, the e-liquid manufacturers will have no choice except to reveal their recipes to the European control services, and the presence of ingredients in concentrations greater than 0.1% will not be considered a confidential information or a trade secret.
It still remains unclear how these data will overlap with those needed to obtain labels issued by the French certification bodies (AFNOR) or the European (CEN) and International (ISO) ones.