The study titled Perceived health effects of vaping among Hungarian adult e-cigarette-only and dual users: a cross-sectional internet survey, administered a web-based survey to 1042 adults in 2015. Participants were asked to report any AEs and physiological changes since they switched from smoking to vaping or while dually using e-cigarettes and combustible cigarettes.

The compiled data indicated that non-surprisingly dual users were significantly more likely to report AEs of vaping than e-cigarette-only users @ 26.2% vs. 11.8%. Similarly, those using only e-cigarettes were more likely to experience health improvements than dual users. Also, those individuals who were former heavy smokers were more likely to report positive changes in sensory and physical functioning, than those who were not.

E-cig-only users more likely to report benefits than dual users

“The majority of e-cigarette-only users reported more perceived beneficial changes in physiological functions and fewer AEs than dual users. Perceived short-term benefits of e-cigarette use may reinforce users despite the uncertainty of long-term health consequences,” read the study Abstract.

“Health professionals should provide balanced information regarding the possible short- and long-term positive and negative health effects of e-cigarette use during consultations with patients,” concluded the researchers.

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