Beware of too much nicotine!

If you sometimes feel dizzy when using your e-cigarette, first of all, it is important to find out the cause. In some cases, nicotine may be at cause. In fact, as nicotine is distributed in the body much more slowly when vaping than when smoking tobacco, some vapers tend to “pull” considerably more on their individual vaper than they did on their tobacco cigarettes.

As such, novice vapers can feel dizzy due to an excessive nicotine intake. Or in any case greater than that to which their body was accustomed when smoking.

As you can see, if you sometimes experience dizzy spells after using your e-cigarette, reducing the nicotine content in your e-liquid is a potential avenue to explore.

You can also lower the power on your electronic box or pod, so as not to inhale quite so much vapour, and as a result nicotine.

This phenomenon is not specific to vaping. Remember how the first tobacco cigarettes that you smoked made your head spin?

Your lungs are regaining their health

A breathing man

However, nicotine is not the only reason behind these problems. Indeed, as Françoise Gaudel, the founder of the association Je Ne Fume Plus (JNFP) notes, dizzy spells are not unusual when quitting tobacco use:

Dizzy spells are a classic symptom when quitting tobacco: they are generally caused by the presence of a greater amount of oxygen in the blood. Carbon monoxide, contained in cigarette smoke, previously restricted the amount of oxygen available, so this sudden rush of oxygen will make your head spin! ”

However, there is no need to panic! In a matter of days or weeks, you will be used to breathing well again!


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