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The CDC Finally Confirms That EVALI is Caused by Illegal THC...

In a post on his blog page, Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences at Boston University’s  School of Public Health, Dr. Michael...

A chemist’s advice: Don’t Dry-Burn your coil

A dry burn takes place when a lot of power is applied to a bare coil in order to heat it and "clean it...

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Science News Not To Be Missed

Quitting Difficulties and Lives Lost to Smoking vs the Challenges and Benefits of Vaping

On average, men lose 17 minutes of life per cigarette, while women lose 22 minutes.A recent study published in Addiction revealed the shocking health...
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Why Nicotine’s Bad Reputation is Detrimental to Public Health

Many people associate nicotine with the dangers of smoking, even though the real harm in cigarettes comes from tar and other toxic substances found...
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The Growing Body of Literature on The Effect of Vaping on Cardiopulmonary Health

The University of Wisconsin (UW) has secured a $5.7 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to conduct a five-year study examining...