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Next EU Commission will Propose Tightening TPD Regulations Further

"I can organise a guide to an oncological department to see what they are doing because they’ve never been there. The industry never understood...

Luxembourg: Why are Cigarette Sales Still Increasing?

According to the latest Eurobarometer survey, in Luxembourg, a country which is part of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO...

Patterns, Trends and Determinants of Vaping Across the EU

The study titled Patterns, trends and determinants of e-cigarette use in 28 European Union Member States 2014-2017, examined changes in the selected European countries...

Brexit: UK May Change to Australian Tobacco Warnings

UK regulations have forced manufacturers to sell cigarette packets carrying health warnings as of 2009. However, the EU owns the copyright to current warnings,...

The EU Commission Remains Cautious About E-Cigarettes

Martin Seychell, deputy director-general for health and food safety, argues that preventing addiction should be public health’s main objective. “We should promote the concept...

The EU Urged to Revise Current E-Cig Regulations

In an article on EU magazine The Parliament, Martusciello pointed out that the European Union needs to actively promote and protect the innovation, research...

Outrage as vaping’s role in harm reduction ignored

Meanwhile vapers in Austin, Texas, have been subjected to harsh new bans that were rushed into law less than two weeks before being enacted....

Poll shows TPD failure, while global fight over vape laws continues

Malaysia’s most populous state is now threatening to jail anyone who vapes in public parks or shopping centres, while their counterparts in the Indian...