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UK Study: Risk Perceptions of Vaping Are Directly Related to E-Cig...

The study titled, “Association between changes in harm perceptions and e-cigarette use among current tobacco smokers in England: a time series analysis," reviewed data...

Perceptions of Harm from Vaping vs Smoking Amongst US Adults

As the title suggests, the study titled, “Changing Perceptions of Harm of e-Cigarette vs Cigarette Use Among Adults in 2 US National Surveys From...

Trump Proposes a “User Fee” on Vaping Products

President Donald Trump's budget proposal, wants to place a "user fee" on vaping products with the intention of generating approximately $100 million annually. The...

Most U.S. Citizens are Still Misinformed About E-Cigarettes

In line with data compiled by previous surveys, a recent poll indicated that sadly the majority of Americans are still misinformed about the relative...

The Impact of Source Credibility on E-Cigarette Attitudes

Those who perceived the devices as safer alternatives relative to conventional cigarettes, were more likely to distrust doctors, pharmacists and healthcare providers.The study published...

US: Smokers’ misconceptions about e-cigarettes have gotten worse

The numbers are alarming, and indicate how many lives are being lost to smokers who would never consider switching to the safer alternatives that could...