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As surprising as it may seem, the World Health Organization (WHO) is strongly opposed to e-cigarettes.

In its view, nicotine is an enemy that must be defeated. Vaping does allow nicotine consumption, and even though it removes most of the risks of smoking, the WHO is still strictly against nicotine consumption. That means it is equally opposed to vaping.

The WHO therefore takes every opportunity to tell us what a dangerous invention the e-cigarette is, and regularly advises countries to ban it.

Experts Discuss The Possible Repurcussions of the United States’ Withdrawal From...

Picking up where he left off in 2020 before the change of administration, earlier this month Trump reintroduced a bill which would withdraw the...

Recent THR Advocacy Efforts: CAPHRA Demands Seat at COP11 While EU...

Consumers of safer nicotine alternatives feel increasingly marginalized as their needs are being ignored by the very agencies which are meant to be safeguarding...

The UN’s Recent Special Rapporteur Ignores Harm Reduction in Relation to...

Experts urge the UN and WHO to engage with harm reduction advocates and reconsider the report's recommendations, which could have a detrimental impact on...

As The WHO Pushes Europe Towards Prohibition, Experts Pull It Towards...

A new paper by the World Health Organization (WHO) reported an increase in alcohol and nicotine use among teenagers in Europe, Central Asia, and...

The WHO Carelessly Links Vaping to Seizures, Indicating Bias Against Vapes

To the shock (but not surprise) of experts in the field of tobacco harm reduction, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recently posted a...

The WHO Ignores Science Once Again, Claiming There is no Evidence...

In February, the distinguished New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) made significant contributions to the discourse on vaping, by publishing both a study highlighting...

WHO Report Listing Countries With Best Anti-Smoking Practices Excludes Those Endorsing...

The WHO report commends four countries for having met all of its anti-smoking best practice measures. Ironically none of these four have reached impressively...

The WHO Has Just Lost All Credibility

The WHO has just elected North Korea to its executive board at the 76th World Health Assembly at the end of May.Former NNA chair...