Four pages to convince the user of the risk reduction

Le Parisien, a French newspaper, allocates 4 pages to an entire dossier on the e-cigarette (pages 52 to 55) that should reassure worried vapers after the alarmist campaigns of these last weeks.

Since the mobilization in favor of the e-cigarette of 120 health professionals, last October, the recommandations of the High Council of Public Health, last February, and the Public Health England’s report that estimates the e-cigarette 95% less nocive than smoking, dossier pleads in favor of smoking cessation with the help of the e-cigarette.

“The electronic cigarette is now part of smoking cessation methods”, explains Pr Dautzenberg to the media.

Based on a study by Dr. Farsalinos, the author clears up fears about heart risks, “vaping does not alter heart rate or blood pressure.”

Professor Michel Aubier, pulmonologist says “tobacco contains far more carcinogens than the e-cigarette”, while Pr Dautzenberg reassures about respiratory diseases “With the e-cigarette, there is much less ravages to the trachea and the bronchi.”

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