Home 2018 August

Monthly Archives: August 2018

The Philippines Passes a Resolution Recommending E-Cigs for Harm Reduction

The lawmakers refer to the success obtained in the UK following the endorsement of e-cigarettes as cessation tools, and mentioned the renowned reports by...

Messages on Cigarette Packs Advising Smokers to Switch to Alternatives

Last week on the 17th of August, the Commons Science and Technology Committee released a report containing several evidence-based policy proposals for e-cigarettes. These...

Study Looking at the Success Rate of Smoking Cessation Via Vaping

Frequency of daily smoking reduced from 88.7% to 17.5% (P<0.001) and median consumption of cigarettes/day from 15 to 5 (P<0.001).The Study titled, “The Value...
NNA Snus challenge

A UK Government Committee Releases Positive Report on E-Cigs

Last week on the 17th of August, the Science and Technology Committee released a report containing several evidence-based policy proposals for e-cigarettes. These proposals...

British politicians push for more vaping

UK parliamentary report blows hole in anti-vaping arguments A new report by the British parliament’s Science and Technology Committee puts the UK government under even...

Florida Pairs a Vaping Ban with an Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling Legislation

Proposal 6004 would amend Section 7 of Article II of the State Constitution to prohibit the drilling for exploration and extraction of oil and...

Farsalinos Submits Study to FDA in Response to Flavours ANPRM

Last December, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) launched an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) pertaining to e-liquid flavours, in order to...

The Dangers Lurking Behind South Africa’s E-Cig Bill

The proposed tobacco and e-cigarette regulation bill had initiated a public commentary period that expired on the 9th of August. Renowned tobacco harm reduction...