Snus is a moist powder tobacco product that is placed under the upper lip for extended periods. It is considered an effective harm reduction product which has helped thousands quit smoking, and is mostly popular in Norway and Sweden.

In Norway and Sweden not only is snus renowned for having led to a drastic drop in smoking rates, but has even led to Sweden boasting the lowest smoking rates in Europe.
However, as part of its agenda to reduce tobacco use in Finland, last May a working group of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, proposed a reducing the daily limit on snus imports from 1 kg to 100 grams.

In response to this, the FMA said that the orally-ingested tobacco product, should just be banned altogether. “Selling snus is illegal in Finland. Therefore it would be more logical to completely prohibit its import, instead of just reducing the allowed amount,” said the association.

Apparently, many entities in Finland are concerned about the increased use of snus amongst young athletes. For example, the Ombudsman for Children said that young people tend to associate snus with team sports, in particular ice hockey.

Sweden is experiencing the lowest smoking rates across the EU thanks to snus

However, many public health experts will be surprised by such a stance, when the product has proven to be such an excellent harm reduction tool in neighbouring countries. In Norway and Sweden not only is snus renowned for having led to a drastic drop in smoking rates, but has even led to Sweden boasting the lowest smoking rates in Europe.

Read Further: UUTISET

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