Now in its third year, VApril is now firmly established as the world’s largest pro-vaping campaign, and is strongly supported by health entities such as Public Health England (PHE) and the vaping industry alike. Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, this year the campaign had to go digital in order to reach smokers who are on lockdown.

The campaign follows the latest Vaping Evidence Review published by the PHE in March, which has emphasised that the continued misinformation shared about vaping, has led to false fears, stopping many smokers from making the switch.

Gone digital due to COVID-19

Director of the UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA) John Dunne, the organization organises and co-ordinates VApril, has explained this year’s differences. “Normally during VApril our members’ retail stores host expert classes across the country to educate smokers on everything to do with vaping but this year we’ve had to change tact to safeguard the welfare of smokers and vapers during the month and therefore we will be engaging audiences through digital media.”

“The UKVIA, our members and partners will all provide expert guidance via our social media channels and the dedicated VApril digital hub to help anyone who has either already quit smoking or is looking to give up.”

“The UKVIA, our members and partners will all provide expert guidance via our social media channels and the dedicated VApril digital hub to help anyone who has either already quit smoking or is looking to give up.”John Dunne, UKVIA

“Due to the fact that most of the population is working from home and in front of their laptops or using their mobile devices, we expect VApril 2020 to be very successful in helping to give smokers expert advice on vaping during these unprecedented circumstances,” added Dunne.

Many smokers still believe that vaping is as harmful as smoking

“The PHE’s recent report revealed that some 37% of smokers have never even tried it and over half of them believe it to be equally or more harmful than smoking.”
He quoted figures released by the PHE indicating that a lot still needs to be done to educate the public about vaping. “Despite many leading healthcare organisations, such as Cancer Research UK, Public Health England and the British Heart Foundation publicly highlighting the positive benefits of vaping versus smoking, PHE’s recent report revealed that some 37% of smokers have never even tried it and over half of them believe it to be equally or more harmful than smoking.”

“Even though PHE continues to highlight that regulated nicotine vaping is at least 95% less harmful than conventional smoking, the message is not getting through.”

“Our VApril campaign aims to address the misinformation out there and give smokers all the evidence-backed advice and information that they need to make informed decisions about vaping and to give them peace of mind.”

Support for smokers

Anyone interested in knowing more about the campaign, access information and advice or receive support in switching, can go on Smokers who visit the site can download a special “Switch on to Vaping” guide and pose questions online to an expert industry panel. The site offers a number of real life testimonials by former smokers who had their lives transformed by making the switch and it also includes a vaper’s guide to dealing with the Coronavirus.


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