Home Community CASAA Infographic Confirms The Positive Impact of Vaping

CASAA Infographic Confirms The Positive Impact of Vaping

New CASAA graphs discussed by CASAA President Danielle Jones show once again that as adult vaping rates increase, smoking rates decrease.


Using the latest CDC NYTS & NHIS data, CASAA’s recent infographic graphs show that not only is the claim there’s a “new generation being hooked on nicotine” false, but that actually for every one teen who vapes regularly nearly FIVE adults quit smoking.

The graphs show that there are currently 3.95 million current vapers who are former smokers, 2.74 million vapers who are non-regular smokers, and 2.44 vapers who are current smokers.

Of the 2.06 million teen vapers, 1.25 million vaped at least once a month, while 810,000 vaped for at least 20 times last month. Most importantly, revealed the infographic, most vaping experimentation does not continue beyond high school, and smoking rates keep dropping among both teens and young adults.

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