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Indonesia May Implement a Total Ban on E-Cigarettes

Anung Sugihantono, Indonesia's director general of disease control and prevention, said that the government is revising current vaping regulations. “The ministry’s stance is consistent:...

Increase in US adults Who Consider E-Cigs More Harmful Than Cigarettes 

Conducted by tobacco researchers from Georgia State University's School of Public Health, the study indicated that just like earlier research which had found an...

US Insurance Company Will Treat Vapers As Smokers

In response to the recent US cases of “vape-related” lung disease, the fourth-largest life insurance company in the US, has announced that from now...

The South Korean Army Bans the Use of Vaping Products on...

Following the recent scrutiny faced by the vaping industry, due to the suspicions that e-cigs were to blame for the lung disease outbreak across...

Misinformation Keeps Informing Policy as Indonesia Considers Vape Ban

Referring to some substances found in e-liquids, BPOM Chairperson Penny Lukito, said that vaping is very risky. "So we need the legal basis. Without...

Chinese Regulators Call for a Ban on Vaping in Public Spaces

In a joint document released last month, China's National Health Bureau, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the domestic tobacco monopoly China Tobacco, and...

The Philippines to Ban E-Cigarettes and Arrest Users

The US CDC has confirmed that the outbreak of EVALI, is almost certainly not linked with vaping legal nicotine products. Duterte 74, once a heavy...

WI Physician Spreads Misinformation Saying That A Single E-Cig Puff Can...

In a recent post on his blog page, Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences at Boston University’s School of Public Health, Dr....