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Can I Vape If I’m Pregnant?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9Q8S9tH1dc&t=1s Table of contentsWhy You Shouldn't Smoke During PregnancyRisks of Smoking During PregnancyRespiratory IssuesRisks of Obesity, Hypertonicity, and Learning DelaysEarly Menopause and Reduced FertilityNicotine's Minimal...

Poll shows TPD failure, while global fight over vape laws continues

Malaysia’s most populous state is now threatening to jail anyone who vapes in public parks or shopping centres, while their counterparts in the Indian...

Progress in New York, but anti-vaping studies continue to appear

New York state budget deletes controversial vape laws Vapers in New York state have been braced for the worst over the last few weeks as...

Scotland: First study to be carried out about vaping during pregnancy

The UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies, which is a network of 13 universities, will be recruiting several hundred women for this study...

Mixed headlines as PHE support switching in pregnant women, but Manchester...

British doctors claim vaping “can cause COPD” A team of researchers at the University of Manchester say they have uncovered new evidence that electronic cigarettes...