The Vaping Post: Could you tell us how you did start StattQualm?
Chris Lusser: Well, that’s a long story.
Marc [editor’s note: Marc Neuenschwander, Chris’ associate], Lukas and Andreas[editor’s note: The two other associates] were teachers – I worked as a trader.
It all began with Marc. He started to vape because of fun during carnival. After, he was surprised how great vaping is, he told Lukas and Andreas about it.
Both of them, heavy smokers, started immediately to vape and Lukas came up to me with an old Ego device. I was fascinated and started to vape as well. After some time we all met together at my home and talked about to found a vape club which supports other swiss smokers to quit and start vaping. So we created a website with links and tips. At the same time we discovered rebuildable tank atomizers and thought it might be a good idea to make them more simple and safer. So we created the SQuape V1. Half a year later we were not anymore a club rather a company and are still in the business since 2012.
The Vaping Post: What do “StattQualm” and “SQuape” mean?
StattQualm means: Statt = instead / Qualm = Smoke. It’s a German wordplay. Stadt means city but Statt means instead. So kind of city smoke but instead smoke. We chose a German word as we didn’t expect to become worldwide successful at the beginning. SQuape means Swiss Quality Vape.
We produce every piece of our devices in Switzerland – except the glass. Some glasses are actually from France. But everything else is made in Switzerland at the workshop we are working with since 2012.
The Vaping Post: Which Stattqualm atomizer is your best creation?
Chris: We are proud of all the atomizers which we have built, of course. In every atomizer are a lot of inventions, time, money and work. SQuape V1 was the first atomizer with ematalised aluminium and ridiculous easy to use – SQuape R[eloaded]/R[s] were the first atomizers with interchangeable decks and at this time with a unique airflow control – SQuape X[dream], our latest child, is the first atomizer with a kind of bayonet catch (3-mode-lock system), still got interchangeable decks and a new tank system as well. Our goal is to invent new and not to copy others. I guess we can be proud of the fact, that we are still able to achieve our goals.
The Vaping Post: How do you feel when people compares your work to watchmakers?
Chris: This is a compliment in terms of precision of our devices. I think that’s also because we are Swiss. I am glad people don’t compare our devices to cheese.
The Vaping Post: What is your production volume?
- SQuape V1: 2,700 pcs
- SQuape R: 10,000
- SQuape Rs: 6,000
- SQuape X: 5000 and still in production.
The Vaping Post: What would be your perfect atomizer?
Chris: The atomizer has to cover my personal preferences, has to be flexible and simple. My needs are changing every year a bit. As I started it had to be as simple as possible. Now, I prefer an atomizer which is very flexible in terms of wicking, high or low VG, different setups etc. But still has to be simple to use and gives me great flavor. There won’t be ever a perfect atomizer for everyone on the market.
With the SQuape X we tried to build an atomizer which suits most vape habits we know. For me, a perfect atomizer can be extended and has to be versatile as well.
The Vaping Post: Actually, which part of current atomizers can be most improved?
Chris: I guess there has to be more improvements in terms of safety and also versatility. Maybe also bit more quality than quantity. The thing with cotton and wire can also be improved.
The Vaping Post: Can you give us some informations about your future atomizer?
Chris: Oh well, we just released the SQuape X[dream]. The further development is an ongoing process – also for the SQuape X[dream]. New accessories and decks will come. At the moment I can’t tell you anything about future projects.
The Vaping Post: How would you like to develop Stattqualm in the future ?
Chris: We might need to grow a little bit in terms of stuff and different devices but we still want to built high quality devices, Made in Switzerland, as we do right now. We don’t want to grow to a multimillion company – we’d prefer to stay a bit smaller, but high quality.