“Michigan’s number of new cases of lung cancer peaked in 2007 at 8,161. It was down to 7,538 by 2013, which is the most recent data.” read an article on Michigan News. Since the 80’s, cigarette sales in the state have dropped by two thirds, however the rates of lung cancer are slower in catching up with these figures, as the people who were fervent smokers at that time, are now aging, hence still manifesting cancers.

Cigarette sales in Michigan peaked in 1981, at an estimated 1.4 billion packs. By 2015, sales had plummeted to approximately 440 million packs. The state Department of Treasury attributes part of the decline to smokers purchasing cigarettes from out of state. However, health surveys clearly indicate that the number of smokers has dropped a significant 11% from 2012 to 2015.

“National reports indicate that electronic cigarettes are being used by teenagers, perhaps in place of traditional cigarettes.” Tobacco Tax Revenues Report, 2015

The state treasury officials have also attributed this impressive decline to the growing number of smokers switching to vaping. In their 2015 tobacco tax revenues report, the officials pointed out that the number of teenage smokers dropped from 39% in 1997 to 10% in 2015. “National reports indicate that electronic cigarettes are being used by teenagers, perhaps in place of traditional cigarettes,” read the report.

Both smoking and vaping are on the decline

The good news is that since 2015, vaping rates have also decreased from 16.0% to 11.3% in 2016, while smoking in that same period also dropped from 9.3% to 8.0%.
Latest data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) seems to confirm this. According to their research smoking rates amongst high school students were cut in half in only five years, between 2011 to 2016. Most importantly during this same time, vaping amongst the same age group increased from 1.5% to a peak of 16.0% in 2015. However, the good news is that since 2015, vaping rates have also decreased from 16.0% to 11.3% in 2016, while smoking in that same period also dropped, from 9.3% to 8.0%.

More info : Michigan News

More CDC data dispelling infamous “Gateway Theory”