If passed, HB 2165, would add a tax on the sale of vaping products, which would be paid by distributors when they purchase products from manufacturers, and directly by the consumers when the products are purchased online.

Making up for the revenue lost from the Tobacco 21 legislation

A lower tax of 40% in Pennsylvania, has led to the demise of over 100 vaping retail businesses.
CASAA, a non-profit organization in support solely of consumers of reduced harm alternatives, pointed out that lawmakers are not even trying to conceal the fact that the bill’s purpose is to generate revenue. “This bill also shockingly contains an admission that this tax is all about the money. HB 2165 is a prerequisite for passing Tobacco 21 legislation (another half-baked policy movement) because Washington will need to make up the lost tax revenue from cigarette sales if the minimum age to purchase is raised to 21.” said the organization on their website.

CASAA is urging vapers to consider the detrimental effect that an even lower tax has had on retailers in Pennsylvania, where a 40% has led to the demise of over 100 retailers, and bear in mind the effect a higher tax of 60% would have in Washington.

Smokefree Pennsylvania urging PA Senate to decrease e-cig tax

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