Often, clinical research does not address the questions that are of greatest importance to patients, and their clinicians. The James Lind Alliance has developed methods for bringing patients and clinicians together to establish ‘Priority Setting Partnerships (PSPs)’ that then identify and prioritise ‘uncertainties’, in order to inform publicly funded research.

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This study aims to develop a Priority Setting Partnership between smokers/vapers and clinicians to identify and prioritise research questions relating to electronic cigarettes as a tool for smoking cessation and harm reduction. It is being conducted by Dr Abby Hunter from the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies, and will be followed up with a second survey, to prioritise the responses from this first one, in the near future.

All top ten priorities for the PSPs will be published on the JLA website, thus ensuring wide availability to government, academics, clinicians, research commissioners and funders to inform policy and practice.

Fill out the survey or Read Further: UKTAS

The survey will close for responses on 20th March, 2019.

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