“There’s a real risk of New Zealand’s smoking rates creeping back up if the accessibility of vaping remains reduced while tobacco products continue to be available as per usual,” said Director of AVCA, Nancy Loucas.

Given the extra stress and isolation caused by the current situation, smokers are at risk of smoking more even more, and vapers who used to smoke are at a high risk of relapsing.
In line with similar concerns voiced by other experts across the globe, Loucas explained that given the extra stress and isolation caused by the current situation, smokers are at risk of smoking more than ever. Additionally, vapers who used to smoke are at a high risk of relapsing. To this effect said Loucas, vapers not being able to access their preferred products during this time, could be the final straw.

“Vape stores play a really important role in keep vapers off tobacco and a chance for smokers to talk through their options. Not every vape store will want to open, but those that do and can demonstrate safe operating procedures for staff and customers should be allowed to under Alert Level 3,” she says.

Vape shops should be considered essential businesses

Loucas referred to the fact that certain countries have deemed vape stores essential businesses, and allowed them to remain open. She added that backtracking from the progress that has been made in New Zealand would be a shame.

“As a country we’ve worked so hard to drive down New Zealand’s overall smoking rate to 12.5%, with vaping a huge part of that. As the Prime Minister would say let’s not lose our halftime advantage. Let’s do all we can to limit vapers returning to something that’s 95% more harmful and kills 5,000 Kiwis a year,” she says.

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