Last November, the CDC had confirmed that the outbreak of EVALI, is almost certainly not linked with vaping legal nicotine products. Testing the lung fluids from 29 of the case patients, the agency had found that all 29 contained vitamin E acetate, also known as Tocopheryl acetate.

The CVA is urging the public to exercise caution and purchase THC-containing vapour products only from licensed specialty shops.
Similarly, the CVA had urged public health officials to investigate contaminated black-market THC vapour products. Under the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act (TVPA), which oversees the production of nicotine e-liquid products in Canada, using Vitamin E acetate is prohibited.

Meanwhile, the vaping association is pointing out that the number of hospital admissions for the condition has dropped dramatically and the reason for this is thought to be two fold: The fact that the public is now aware that the main cause is illegal THC, and the fact that the black market has now had time to change the formula used in their products, to exclude the deadly compound.

However, the CVA is still urging the public to exercise caution with regards to THC containing vapour products, reminding that they should be purchased from licensed specialty shops.

PHE: misinformation and “false fears” are costing lives

Meanwhile in the UK, Public Health England (PHE) has released the report, “Vaping in England: 2020 Evidence Update Summary” which points out that “false fears” about vaping are preventing many smokers from quitting by switching to vaping – something that the PHE itself has long endorsed.

This review is the PHE’s sixth independent e-cigarette report, commissioned from researchers at King’s College London. It highlights that despite the alarmist media headlines and unfounded fears, more former smokers have made the switch from cigarettes to vaping products and that youth uptake remains relatively low.

Canada: Plain-Packaged Cigarettes Have Hit Shelves on November 9th

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