The review titled, Treatment of Tobacco Smoking, was published on Jama and concluded that smoking cessation treatments should include both pharmacotherapy and behavioral support, with varenicline or combination NRT as preferred initial interventions.

The review did not include findings about the effectivity of other nicotine alternatives such as vaping and snus, despite evidence indicating that they are preferred by most smokers. Infact, in line with findings from countless other studies, a recent study published in Addiction, has indicated that when used daily, e-cigarettes tend to facilitate abstinence from smoking.

ECs appear to facilitate abstinence from smoking

The study titled, “The effectiveness of using e‐cigarettes for quitting smoking compared to other cessation methods among adults in the United Kingdom,” is perhaps the most recent example of an independent peer reviewed study.

The researchers analysed data from a 1155 respondents aged between 18 and 81, from a longitudinal online survey collected between 2012 and 2017. “Compared with using no help, the odds of abstinence were increased by daily use of disposable/cartridge e-cigarettes (ECs) and daily use of refill/modular. Odds were reduced by non‐daily use of disposable/cartridge, and by use of disposable/cartridge ECs to quit and no longer using at follow‐up. Secondary Results were similar to the primary outcome; however, odds of abstinence were also increased by use of smoking cessation medication,” reported the paper.

“When used daily, electronic cigarettes appear to facilitate abstinence from smoking when compared with using no help,” concluded the researchers.

US study : The advent of e-cigs corresponds to decreased smoking rates

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