The history of my personal use should be reminded here as in all sincerity I had been, in 2014, a tad grumpy on my test GTII classic despite a rating of 4/5 in the end. My further use of it had nevertheless proved to me that this atomizer is one of the best in the market and one of the most successful in its quest for taste. This GTII Air will not revolutionize anything but nevertheless manages to keep the advantages of the GTII and offers a more open airflow.
Obviously this Taifun GTII Air represents an important investment and maybe more nowadays due to fierce competition. But it is a production that will guarantee a sustainable use, as proven by my GTII that has more one year of use. The only concern that I can bring is a broken tank due to a drop. A tank that I also replaced without any concern because the customer service is guaranteed almost everywhere, which is to be considered when investing a minimum.
Let’s not hide anything, the Taifun GTII Air will not revolutionize anything and ultimately it does not change the spirit of this precious atomizer. It nevertheless managed to reposition directly as one of my three favorite atomizers. It will allow those who like, especially for fans of direct aspiration, to use it again, unlike the GTII which, for my taste had become too tight. I had rejected it for that sole reason.
So I have in test the third version of this monument that is the successor of the famous Taifun GTII. Made of stainless steel with a shiny finish, this is an atomizer that I would describe as a “rebuildable classic” by definition. This Taifun GTII Air is not a new version but rather an adaptation of its predecessor that was already a reference in this field.
After putting aside my preconceived ideas, that GTII Air broadens the use of the GTII but will not bring anything better if you were already charmed by the tight vape offered by its predecessor. This GTII Air adapts to the evolution of the vape in general and you’ll find, if you lower your nicotine strength or even vape at zero nicotine, that you will compensate by deeper puffs that will require a more open airflow.
Technical features
- Size (with drip-tip): 71 mm
- Size (without the drip-tip): 57 mm
- Diameter: 23 mm
- Weight: 99 g
- Connectors: 510 screw
- Drip-tip: Type 510, stainless steel carved with the name of the brand (12 mm wide)
- Capacity: 5ml
- Material: Stainless steel, shiny finish
- Tank: pyrex/stainless steel
- Coil: single coil recommended
- Adjustable Airflow: 4×4 Mirrored holes
- 1 bag (containing 1 insulation for airflow reducer and 9 various O-rings)
- 1 authenticity card
- 1 beautiful wooden box included
Improved design, customized drip-tip, more open airflow and a Germanic finish, always on top
A few words regarding the wooden box. The ecological vision of the packaging is very nice and, in addition, it smells very good. It reminded me of the Serbian Limelight… far more cozy than before.
This Taifun GTII Air keeps its German roots and it is confirmed by a strict finish and first-rate materials. This is actually very well manufactured, the threads, the bell’s finish and the stainless steel parts that cover the pyrex tank. The recall of the airflow ring at the top of the tank is well thought but also very useful for a perfect handling. In this regard, the Air GTII received another knurled ring, a third one that will be useful to loosen the tank, and it is what was missing on the GTII.
Pay attention to the top cap that has become flat to accept the new aesthetically big drip-tip of the GTII Air. It is aesthetically a success and it gives it a more modern look, in my opinion. Be assured, if you find this a too big organ in mouth, that you can replace it and even use the old one which was very pleasant.
Even the former beveled design of the windows that I found a little bit strange, has been changed to a nice look but always useful to visualize e-liquid level. However, Pyrex that remained etched on the outside is still as thin and fragile. It prevents a complete visibility of the interior of the tank but it allows at the same time to blur a bit the inside, and in particular the moistened cotton which is not very aesthetic.
To complete this subjective way in, the set brings out a great quality feeling and I would bet that the new design of the windows reinforces the soundness and better protect the pyrex tank.
The interior -mounting base and atomization chamber- remains unchanged for a single coil assembly, still
The mounting base remains the same and so does the airflow diameter. It will therefore be limited to the use of a single coil. The airflow for whomever concerned about the famous air circulation, can easily be reduced by incorporating a small plastic piece that comes with the spares O-rings.
The bell is still divided into two parts, both smartly notched to allow convenient handling. As such, to easily remove the bell from its base, leave the top screwed and remove the whole of it. This way, you will have more grip to remove the double the base O-ring.
Let us return to the core information: the “new” airflow at the origine of the “Air” attribute to its name. To be honest, the airflow is not that aerial. In fact the manufacturer has just allowed a larger and doubled air intake compared to the old version. Although this slightly reduces the resistivity of the aspiration, it does not make the atomizer purely aerial though.
As you can notice of these pictures, the central chimney and entrance to the drip-tip remained of the same diameter. In other words, the door is larger but the corridor remains the same.
I do not complain, I just let you know that if you are looking for a cloud-chazing machine, it is surely not the one you want. The opening of this airflow is narrow but more than enough to allow a direct aspiration. And this is, in my opinion, the real success of this upgraded version. In short, do not trust the huge drip-tip!
For the record and as an evidence of true craftsmanship, I had four times four holes, slightly larger than the GTII, except on one of the rings that showed five holes. Safe bet that the man behind the machine still had the habit of five small holes of the previous version.
Like any other rebuildable set, the first precaution is to allow the two cotton tips that come out of the bell’s slots to soak into the liquid. They should not penetrate too easily in the bell because in this case that you might have a fluid leak through the holes of the airflow.
The opening of these slots can be adjusted by loosening or tightening the top of the bell and this is where only experience and desires guide you to open or close the lid. Everything will ultimately depend on the diameter of the coil and the mass of cotton that comes out. So, it is a very subjective adjustment but once found out, it makes this atomizer a dream that almost never leaks.
Position the bell so that the two slots on the sides are in front of the cotton tips. Before screwing the bell lid, moisten the cotton tips to more easily see the effect of screwing the bell lid that should come pressing the cotton but not much.
The second thing to consider is the atomization chamber’s level on the base. I suggest you pull 2 mm until you see the small circular mark on the bell. Also center your coil between the two screws to take off the air which is in the center and be careful not to stick this coil on the air supply. Simply place a small screwdriver underneath to leave about 2/3 mm between the air intake and the coil.
Finally, mount your pyrex in the stainless steel tank, taking care to position the O-ring and screw the upper part with the central tube.
Improved tank unscrewing and 5ml that you can fill with a ladle
Like the other versions, having screwed the top part with the chimney on the tank, simply turn it upside down to fill it. It is wide and easy provided that you do not exceed the top of the interior chimney. New windows of the tank subconsciously indicate the level not to exceeded: the line between the low and high windows intelligently matches the upper limit. Filling this tank can be made without a pipette, and this is handy.
A single coil, a remarkable vape quality, more adaptable to your desires and the evolution of your needs
This Air version allows direct inhalation without problems and also without altering the look and the rendering of flavors of your favorite liquid. For maniacs like me, let’s also talk about the noise. The opening of the airflow is re-mastered but its noise remains almost identical to the previous version: GTII Air remains discreet and that’s good news.
Regarding the rendering of flavors, you may wish to increase it a little by slightly moving your coil on one side. In fact in this way the air flow will not be directed to the coil but will still be sufficient in the chamber that, thanks to its small size, will in any case be very quickly ventilated. To use this technique I would also advise to space the turns a bit and to position before cutting the cotton surplus.
In summary
The “+”:
- Airflow more open but mastered and low noise
- Modernized design
- Rendering of flavors quality
- Multiple uses for a vape depending on one’s mood
- Excellent workmanship and high quality manufacturing materials
- Refill of the 5 ml tank ultra comfortable
- New knurled ring at the bottom of the tank for an easy unscrewing
- Airflow reducer supplied and easy to install
The “-“:
- Only a few changes but who may complain since it is a reference
- Price
- Drip-tip too large in mouth
- Unchanged inner chimney diameter
- Implementation and adjustment of the delicate and unintuitive bell
- No replacement screws into the box
- High weight
Rating 4.5/5. The Air version of the legend, Taifun GTII, does not change at all the previous comments and adds a modern and functional design in the sense that it will offer to users the possibility of direct inhalation without altering the taste or the appearance. For those who do not already have the Taifun GT, the Air version will also be more sober by the possibility of reducing the central airflow.
Anyway, it is an expensive atomizer but still a great value in this uncertain year 2016.
Is there a way to use some of the air parts to convert the standard gt2 to too fill ?