Cole-Bishop HR 1136 Status Official Announcement
To clear up some minor confusion as well as a major misunderstanding, VTA members along with their dedicated advocacy members from the OHVTA share the positive outcomes the actual reality about the Federal Budget decisions that were made to not include Cole-Bishop.
They have confirmed that the standalone Cole-Bishop bill HR 1136, still has a chance to be added into the next Federal Budget negotiations this October. clarifying for the community that this legislative measure is still alive, thriving and gaining more and more support day by day so now is not the time to retreat and hang your head due to feelings associated with defeat.
Nevertheless, the news we learned should not be so depressing as it has been reported so negatively and inaccurately as well. When as a matter of fact, a fact confirmed by the VTA, this is a time for humble celebration, a time to be proud.
Vape Advocates could use a victory for a change, although this was widely viewed as a loss. The reality of the situation is that the vapor movement gained so much more than it initially realized. With much work, hope and a little luck, it is certainly not difficult to imagine that in only 5 months, HR 1136 could possibly be included in the budget.
Misinterpretation, Miscommunication & Misunderstanding
At this time, on this day, it is now slightly irresponsible to claim that the Cole-Bishop Legislation has been entirely defeated and is now no longer a possibility. It is not plausible to make this assumption for many reasons. Though it may seem far more likely that defeat is absolutely the result of the US Federal Budget outcome due to the fact that the vape industry has been defending itself from attacks that are coming from every angle. Nevertheless, one legitimately reasonable explanation is that this idea about Cole-Bishop becoming eliminated is that this is simply not true.
The second reason, is that American politics are not that simple, the legislative process is not nearly as clean, not nearly as democratic, not nearly as thorough, not nearly as innocent of a system as it may be portrayed to be viewed as such. On the House of Representative’s website, the way a bill becomes a law has been broken down step-by-step, into an easily understood 1-2-3 vote tallying expression of democracy-based fair governance. The reality is most success depends on behind-the-scenes negotiating and building relations beyond cosponsorship.
Perfect Metaphor
The perfect metaphor for the Cole-Bishop Legislation being left out of the Federal Budget is the same exact thing as playing backyard/outdoor football or basketball as a child growing up. We used to line up one kid after another, then captains picked their teammates. Ultimately, this is the same process for determining who is able to participate.
Well, on this particular day, Cole-Bishop Legislation was one of the last kids available to choose from, but due to the frantic rush by the government avoiding a shutdown, they did not get picked to play with everyone else. However, the kid who would slowly walk home, dragging their feet, would have a less likely chance of returning for the hopes of being able to get chosen the next time they all played football or basketball together.
Therefore, in October, when another Federal Budget vote is to be held, perhaps and most likely, Cole-Bishop will be chosen by the members of Congress to be included to play along with everyone else hoping to get picked as well.
Keep in mind, there are always a number of kids who all want to play, so if you don’t end up getting chosen, you can’t drag your feet and pout or they’ll never give you an opportunity. The only way for you to get chosen to participate is if you keep coming back and each time you return, you’re stronger and more prepared
A positive attitude goes a very long way and will help fuel the determination of the special advocates lobbying in D.C. for our rights to vape. It’s not even bad news to begin with. Clearly, the mischievous U.S. Congress there was a misinterpretation from a miscommunication which led to a misunderstanding. This was unfortunate, but now we can move forward and still remain optimistic about Cole-Bishop Legislation HR 1136 to be included in the Federal Budget this October.
Maintaining Positive Attitudes by Dissecting Accurate Comments by OHVTA Pres. & VTA Director ATR
It is wise to suggest that we all take a deep breath and reflect on comments posted by the Ohio Vapor Trade Association. OHVTA President, James Jarvis, shares these comments and beneficial state of mind to embrace. Many successful individuals would strongly recommend this kind of mindset to adhere to.
Mr. Jarvis states, “The fact that Cole-Bishop did not make it into the budget package should not have us hanging our heads! This was not a failure by any means, we actually were on the board and a part of the solution. This means we were getting their attention. This also means that we will now be able to see where we missed the target so we can be even better prepared for the opportunity to have Cole-Bishop added in October to that budget. We actually made it to the dance!! We have never done that before, it is unprecedented in this industry! It motivates me even more to get out there and educate them. WE are a community of winners! We are all living proof that this works….Lets get out and let them know we are still here and need their support. We made it to the goal line and now we just need a huge surge from the team to push it into the end zone! We have 5 months from today to execute the perfect drive. Let’s Go!”
Additionally, VTA Executive Director Tony Abboud, sent Vaping Post these statements below. There is a contagious reflection of truth and honesty. Keep in mind that Tony Abboud could very well be considered the top lobbyist for the vaping industry as he has recruited a team of professional and registered lobbyists to promote the significance of vaping to countless Americans and many others all around the world.
Mr. Abboud shares, “The support we received for Cole-Bishop from members on both sides of the aisle is unprecedented and sets the stage for future legislative victories for the vapor industry. VTA is committed to looking beyond the FY 2017 appropriations cycle and fighting for passage of bipartisan language to change the predicate date and address the FDA’s deeming regulation in other legislative vehicles, such as HR 1136 and the FY 2018 appropriations process which already has started. This was a significant step forward in VTA’s multi-faceted federal strategy to ensure that the vapor industry gets the relief it needs now to keep these life changing products on the market.”
It take a number of years to learn how to negotiate by appropriate communication skills with the most influential people. To fully understand the vital role the VTA plays in navigating the inner-workings and inner-circles of the D.C. political procedures, it is important to read this post made by the Vapor Technology Association:
“VTA has been working closely with Breathe Easier Alliance of Alabama (BEAA) on an administration strategy for the past couple months. Last week, we met with senior leadership at HHS emphasizing the need to re-evaluate the deeming regulation. Earlier today, Stacey Hamilton, President of BEAA and VTA Board Member, informed us that FDA sought an extension of its briefing schedule in Cyclops Vapor v. FDA so that the FDA could re-evaluate the deeming. Sure enough, this afternoon FDA announced that it is doing so in all cases and that it is going to issue guidance to defer enforcement of all future compliance deadlines for all newly deemed products by an additional 3 months so that new leadership at the FDA and the Department of Health and Human Services can have additional time to more fully consider issues raised by the final rule that are now the subject of multiple lawsuits. This is an important step forward in our D.C. efforts.”
It Ain’t Over til’ It’s Over
So, to reiterate, the Legendary Cole-Bishop Amendment is alive and well, perhaps the best way to clarify, is that one of the first portions of this legislation was not included in the federal budget to allow the government to avoid shut down. However the most recent installment of HR 1136 is not over and done with – so, the bill still stands.
With much work, hope and a little luck, it is certainly not difficult to imagine that in only 5 months, HR 1136 could possibly be included in the budget. This is not the end and seeking other solutions should continue, however, this legislation is certainly our best bet at the moment. Then again, some may prefer the recently introduced H.R. 2194 Legislation by Representative Duncan Hunter, however, as another Vaping Post article will soon show, you might want to read the entire bill first. This is especially important for DIY ejuice manufacturers and DIY modders and DIY coil-builders.
It is crucial for the vape community to be thankful and festive from all the advocates coming together as one to fight for their right to vape – imagine how advantageous unity could truly be. Hope is still alive, so rekindle the fire in your passion for vaping and maintain a positive attitude.