“Will be meeting with representatives of the Vaping industry, together with medical professionals and individual state representatives, to come up with an acceptable solution to the Vaping and E-cigarette dilemma. Children’s health & safety, together with jobs, will be a focus!” tweeted Trump last Monday.

The CDC published findings from a study which tested lung tissue samples from 29 case patients and all 29 (100%) were found to contain vitamin E acetate oil.

Last September, the Trump administration had announced that plans to ban flavoured vaping products were underway. Subsequently, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, confirmed the plans last month, when in response to an announcement by Juul that it would stop selling the flavoured products, he said that this move would not affect the administration’s plans in anyway. “We want anything that’s attractive to kids to not be available for kids,” he said, “It doesn’t stop what the president and I are working on.”

According to sources familiar with the plan, an announcement was expected last week, and the ban was meant to apply to all flavours with the exception of tobacco and menthol flavours. However, Trump’s comments are suggesting that thankfully common sense may be prevailing after all, and that the administration may be considering a change of strategy.

Meanwhile, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has in recent days announced that the outbreak of EVALI, is almost certainly not linked with vaping legal nicotine products. The CDC published findings from a study which tested lung tissue samples from 29 case patients, and all 29 (100%) were found to contain vitamin E acetate oil.

In a post on his blog page, Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences at Boston University’s School of Public Health, Dr. Michael Siegel, pointed out that “Three of the patients whose lung samples revealed vitamin E acetate had reported using only nicotine-containing products, thus confirming that there is significant under-reporting which may explain why about 11% of the patients do not report vaping THC.”

Lawmakers need to take action to undo the damage done

With this in mind, Siegel concluded that moving forward it is imperative that policy makers now take the initiative to undo all the damage that has been done by linking the lung disease to vaping. “At this point, it is time for state policy makers and politicians to immediately discontinue their conflation of this outbreak with the problem of youth e-cigarette use. It is time for all policy makers, health agencies, and health professionals to immediately stop stating or implying that legal, nicotine-containing e-liquids have anything to do with the outbreak.”

Read Further: OAN

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