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Monthly Archives: March 2018

Alaska Senate To Vote On a Vaping Ban For Anyone Under 19

Senate Bill 15 was sponsored by Sen. Gary Stevens and R-Kodiak, and has already been approved by the Senate Finance Committee. Existing state law...

Canada: Imperial Tobacco want to have their say about plain packaging

Many would argue that Imperial’s input was not required anyway, as we all know that every Big Tobacco company out there is against plain...

The State of New Jersey is considering a 75% tax on e-cigarettes

Assembly Bill No. 1586, has been referred to the Assembly Health and Senior Services Committee, where it remains under consideration, and would impose a...

Iceland: Smoking Rates Have Dropped Significantly Thanks to Vaping

In 2014, 35,000 Icelanders smoked, by 2017 this figure had dropped to 9%, which amounts to approximately 22,000 people.“Smoking has been falling like a...

UK: Calderdale Council is considering a ban on vaping in taxis

In the towns falling under the jurisdiction of Calderdale Council, smoking in taxis and private hire vehicles is banned, and now the council is...

CDC: 1 in 14 US Women Smoke Whilst Pregnant

Despite being an improvement from 2011, where a similar CDC report found that one in 10 women smoked, these figures are naturally still alarming....

Latest research suggests that tobacco laws may also discourage vaping

Researchers from New York University found that states with higher cigarette taxes and anti-tobacco regulations, had fewer vapers. Therefore, claim the researchers, along with...

New US studies highlight – or invent – vaping dangers

UCSF plays media games at vapers’ expense A new study which emerged from UCSF last Saturday claims to show that vaping is associated with a...