Home Authors Posts by Nathalie Dunand

Nathalie Dunand

French journalist. Mainly focused on regulatory and political news.

Speaking to smokers’ heart rather than scaring them?

To expose smokers to happy memories from the past A study published in Communication Research Reports  shows that anti-smoking campaigns should benefit from smokers' positive memories...

Is Apple about to release the first iEcig?

At the same time, on an english forum, several posts were pointing out the obstination of Apple not to list on their app store,...

PATH Study: Wave 1 data on tobacco and Ecig use in...

In the United States, 12 years of age or older have been surveyed in this time frame and several questions have been addressed to establish a...

Frédérique Ries: “Belgian health authorities are going the wrong way” with...

“An outdated solution” “The position of the Belgian Ministry of Health is incomprehensible." The MEP Frédérique Ries denounces the position of Belgian authorities, in contradiction with the positive...

UK: Big Tobacco as a defender of the vaping industry, but...

“To raise decision-makers' awareness on the vaping sector” Created in September 2016, the announce was only released in November. The association UKVIA aims at becoming the leader...

EU Commission launches public consultation on Ecigs

The Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union of the EU Commission is launching a public consultation on "the structure and rates of excise duty applied to...

Beyond the Cloud, subtitles are available in Spanish, Portuguese and Polish

Available in free viewing on YouTube, the documentary that explains the controversies around vaping is now available in five languages with subtitles in Polish, Spanish and Portuguese....

France: SOVAPE publishes its consultation report

After its public survey, the French association SOVAPE published a 17-page report (in French) to take stock of the situation: Vaping passed down by word of...