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The WA State Legislature to Consider New E-Cig Bill to Replace...

In response to the infamous cases of “vape-related” lung disease, last October Washington became the fourth state to ban flavoured vaping products. Governor Jay...

US: Over 20% of U.S. High School Seniors Vaped THC in...

The researchers said that this is the second largest single-year increase in any substance of abuse ever recorded in the annual study of national...

US: Palo Alto May be Issuing Fines for Vaping in Public

Palo Alto has already set in place a ban on the sale of flavoured vaping and tobacco in brick-and-mortar stores, along with the rest...

Iowa Governor to Launch Anti-Vaping Campaign on Social Media

Increasing awareness about the risks of vaping will help prevent young people from suffering nicotine addiction and health problems, said Reynolds. The campaign will...

US Report: Vaping Seems to be Reducing Smoking Rates

"Cigarette use generally declined between 2002 and 2018 across all age groups. Some of this decline may reflect the use of electronic vaporizing devices...

US Surgeon General Warns About Rise in Teen Vaping

Data released last week indicated that twice as many high school students have used e-cigarettes this year in comparison to last year. Similarly, last...

Study Looking at the Age of Tobacco Use Initiation

It’s a known fact that tobacco use tends to begin in adolescence and young adulthood, and sadly earlier initiation of smoking is associated with...

FDA Announces Ban on Flavored E-Liquids at Convenience Stores

In recent months, the FDA has launched several efforts in an attempt to fight teen vaping. Last September, the agency released a campaign which...