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Tag: vaping

3 facts smokers should know about vaping

Smokers don’t seem to be much better informed about vaping than anyone else, which is unfortunate – after all they’re the ones who potentially...

Vaping bans fail or face challenges, but FDA assault continues

The Welsh Assembly’s Labour group finally accepted that its proposed ban on vaping in public places had failed, while MEPs asked for closer scrutiny...

Scottish Tobacco Control pushes Ecigs plain packaging

The Union’s Department of Tobacco Control in Edinburgh (UK), a global leader in the fight against tobacco use, seized up the World No Tobacco...

Advice from Lancashire County Council: Well, not quite…

“Because we think it dangerous to walk blindfolded down a country lane, we suggest you do it on the motorway.” In an interesting turn of...

E-vapor research: From unsubstantiated fear to misleading information

The researchers found that increased white blood cell activity in response to e-vapor exposure was similar to that observed in smokers of traditional cigarettes and...

New Zealand celebrates World Smokefree Day while promoting Ecig ban lift

Internationally, World Smokefree Day is known as World No Tobacco Day, and is celebrated annually on 31 May. "They may well take a case against...

Should Accusing Vaping as being “Socially Unacceptable”, be Considered “Socially Unacceptable”...

There is a little ‘parable’ which has done the rounds, but in the context of what is to come, let me repeat the story. Not...

Unexpected outcomes from the TPD in the Netherlands

Advertising ban but vaping still allowed in public places The Netherlands have been one of the first EU Member State to work on EU TPD's...