Similar to the existing smoking ban, this ordinance forbids the use of electronic nicotine delivery systems, including e-cigarettes, from all enclosed public places in the city, with the exception of vape shops.

Retail vape shops are exempted from this ban.
“Whereas, the health, safety, and aesthetic concerns surrounding the use of tobacco by conventional means carry over in many ways to the use of electronic nicotine delivery systems, thereby warranting the regulation of such electronic nicotine delivery systems in a substantially similar manner,” states the ordinance.

This ban was prompted by the fact that members of the public complained to the council about exposure to secondhand vapour. Law Director Doug Sassen, pointed out that the ordinance also prohibits vaping at outdoor areas that are adjacent to entrances and exits of enclosed public places, in order to ensure that the vapour does not enter through doors, windows or ventilation systems.

Last month, New Jersey’s Gov. Phil Murphy, signed a bill that will ban smoking and vaping at the state’s public beaches and parks. This ban, which takes effect in January 2019, leaves room for towns to implement the ban as they see fit, allowing them to designate any 15% of their beaches or parks as smoking areas.

CDC study indicates that e-cig vapour is non-toxic

In the meantime, following extensive research released by several public health experts, all indicating that the levels of toxins found in e-cig vapour are insignificant to our health, a study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention( CDC) itself, is backing up these findings.

The CDC study, titled Evaluation of Chemical Exposures at a Vape Shop, was published on the agency’s website, and has indicated that e-cigarette vapour contains no more formaldehyde than the normal, everyday air found in the average American home.

Read Further: Newark Advocate.

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