A recent survey confirmed the wide public support for tobacco harm reduction.
SB 2239 would regulate the importation, manufacture, sale, packaging, distribution, use and consumption of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products (HTPs) using internationally-accepted standards to protect citizens from the hazards of regulated, unregulated and substandard products.

“Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte will create an enduring legacy by signing the Vape Bill into law before he leaves office, and we are confident he’ll do just that,” says Peter Dator, President of consumer group Vapers PH and CAPHRA member.

A recent survey conducted in the Philippines by an Asian research network, found that nine out of ten, or 90%, of local smokers would be in support of a public health strategy that endorses the use of safer nicotine alternatives such as e-cigarettes for smoking cessation.

Conducted by ACORN Marketing & Research Consultants and commissioned by consumer advocacy group Vapers PH, the study confirmed the wide public support for tobacco harm reduction. “Majority have positive perception, would consider switching to e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products, and would like to have greater access to accurate information about these products,” said ACORN.

A stroke of Duterte’s pen could save millions of lives

The bill has been signed off by both the Philippine Senate and House of Representatives, and will now be passed to President Duterte. “This cannot be approved by President-elect Marcos. Bills must be submitted to the President under whose Congress it was passed. In this case it is President Duterte who thankfully understands just what is at stake. Nearly 90,000 Filipinos die from smoking-related diseases every year, and his stroke of a pen will save many going forward,” says Mr Dator.

“This is set to be a truly historic moment for our country which has endured a terrible smoking epidemic for decades. Adopting a successful Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) strategy will see the Philippines join the likes of the UK, US and New Zealand. It will put our country positively up in lights and encourage other Asia Pacific countries to also do the right thing,” he added.

The Philippines Health Department Joins Movement Opposing Vape Bill

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