Tag: EU
France: The National High Authority for Health (HAS) does not change...
HAS (Haute Autorité de Santé) is an independent scientific agency that provides assessment and recommendations in the domain of public health to improve the...
France: Deputies send vapers alongside smokers on the sidewalk
For deputies, "It would not be coherent to establish obligations for vapers that do not exist for smokers"
The use of a vaporizer within closed work...
Norway: The government will implement the EU TPD
The European TPD chosen as the regulatory model for e-cigarette in Norway
Currently, the sales of electronic cigarettes containing nicotine is banned in Norway. Advertising on...
Germany: Dr. Martina Pötschke-Langer welcomes a tighter regulation of the e-cigarette
"Aggressive marketing, unscrupulous businessmen who create a market for children"
This measure is derived from the recommendations of the German centre for Cancer Research (DKFZ), published one year ago...
Vapin’ Germany: Focus with Hans Christian Holy, vice president of the...
Hans Christian Holy, vice president of the IG- ED
"My name is Hans Christian Holy, I'm 32, I am married and I have a two-year old...
Dr. Farsalinos re-analyzes the data from the Eurobarometer survey
More than 35% of current European e-cigarette users quit smoking
On stage during the Vapexpo 2015, Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos gave an overview of his analyse of the data collected...
Consensus on e-cigarette : Public Health England supported by 12 public...
"Our commitment is to deliver clear messages to the public, to carry on research and to monitor vaping pattern among the youth"
Since its publication, the report...
France: Professor Bertrand Dautzenberg comments the PHE on the e-cigarette
95% less dangerous than tobacco: A risk reduction compared too pessimistic
The report published by the British governmental body and not by scientific experts and...